Displaying 61 - 70 of 124.
‘Imād Nāsif observes the rising tensions between the Egyptian government and the Muslim Brotherhood, warning of the fatal consequences of such confrontation.
The article discusses accusations made by Muslim Brotherhood First Deputy Murshid, Dr. Muhammad Habīb, against the security authorities of killing member Kamāl al-Sanānīrī. The interior ministry stated that he committed suicide inside his prison cell.
The recent campaign of detaining a number of Muslim Brotherhood members has raised many questions about the possibility of arresting the Supreme Guide of the group, Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif, on charges of endangering national security and inciting the public against the government.
The author reports on the splits that recently emerged amongst Muslim Brotherhood members and leaders. He reviews the stories of the four members who resigned and the reasons behind their stance.
The author argues that the quota system for Egyptian Christians in parliamentary and state positions will not offer a good solution to the problem of religious fanaticism. The only way to address this is to stick to secularism and to belongingness to the nation, before religion.
Disturbance and personal struggles are occurring amongst the lawyers of Muslim Brotherhood at the Lawyers’ Syndicate.
Nearly 480 people, including 314 members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood have been arrested on charges of organizing unauthorized demonstrations in support of the judges, who blew the whistle on election fraud.
The author criticizes the statement issued by Muslim Brotherhood’s Deputy Murshid Muhammad Habīb.
The Egyptian parliament has approved a two-year extension of the 25-year -old emergency law amidst strong opposition from Muslim Brotherhood and independent members of parliament. Arguing that the government uses the law to silence and oppress the opposition, Muslim Brotherhood members came to the...
The authors investigate a statement issued by the Brotherhood’s no. 2 man, Muhammad Habīb, in which he accused the Ministry of the Interior of hatching a plot against the banned group’s members of parliament.


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