Displaying 61 - 70 of 370.
Jundī denounces assumptions stating that conversion to Islam is witnessing its most fruitful phase in Egypt’s history. Jundī presents three arguments to refute the assumptions and calls for a credible documented survey that can come up with recommendations that can regulate conversion.
Khalīl tackles Christians’ conversion to Islam. He rejects Dr. ‘Imārah’s argument about the considerable numbers of Christians’ conversion to Islam. Khalīl suggests establishing church committees to deal with the reasons and consequences behind these conversions.
The writer criticizes what is happing on satellites channels and those who broadcast unreasonable religious opinions that mislead the youth.
Dr. ‘Imarah discusses how the West fears the spread of the Islamic civilization and therefore wages wars against Islamic fundamentalism and not against terrorism.
Hānī Labīb criticizes what Dr.‘Imārah has said in the meeting with the graduates of the Azhar University about al-fitnah al-tā’ifīyah in Egypt.
The author discusses weak hadīths they are accepted by most of the Muslims. He also talks about the fabricated and authentic hadīths on the hijāb and niqāb, and the status of woman.
Nabīl Najīb Salāmah writes about those who have taken the position of defending Islām.
Responding to Dr. ‘Aṣfūr’s ’The Perils of a Religious State,’ a number of Muslim scholars and intellectuals try to refute ‘Aṣfūr’s argument. The following lines present responses of the Grand Imām of Azhar Dr. Muḥammad Sayyid Ṭanṭāwī, Dr. Muḥammad ‘Amārah, and Dr. Ṭāriq al-Bishrī on the issue.
The Central Council of Ex-Muslims is only a media tactic that attempts to cover the victories of Islām in the Arab countries and Europe and will increase the tension between the Islamic world and the West.
Rev. Rif‘at Fikrī Sa‘īd writes about the policy of Takfīr followed by both Muslims and Christians.


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