Displaying 11 - 20 of 83.
The article presents the opinions of Azhar scholars over a recent decree from the Islamic Research Academy that criminalizes marriage before the age of 18.
The chaos of fatwás being issued against those accused of takfīr has risen again. The following article discusses the impact that these fatwás have on the image of Islam, and on social cohesion.
The joint committee of the Permanent Committee of Al-Azhar for Dialogue with Monotheistic Religions closed its annual meetings with the delegation of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue in the Vatican. The meeting was faced with wide scale protests in Egypt. The Egyptian press...
The press review detects the ongoing discussions in Egyptian press on the chaos of Fatwás, especially the reactions to the recent Fatwá of the Egyptian Muftī Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘ah who refused to consider the Egyptian young men who drowned on the Italian cost to be martyrs.
The article deals with the danger of "globalizing" Fatwás. A group of Muslim scholars from outside the Arab world highlight the effect of issuing general Fatwás on Muslim minorities in non-Muslim countries. The author cites more than one Muslim scholar who stress that Fatwás should be specific to...
Muḥammad al-Asma‘ī reports on the statements of Muslim scholars about the ongoing attacks against Islam and its holy symbols in the West.
Muḥammad Ḥijāzī’s conversion has sparked protests in both religious and social milieus; the issue has also affected the political situation. In a display of compassion for Ḥijāzī, a demonstration was held in Italy that called for greater respect of religious freedom in Egypt.
Salman Rushdie was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II of Britain. The bestowal sparked protests in the Muslim world and revived the Muslim wrath over his controversial book entitled, “The Satanic Verses,” and the writer himself.
Muhammad Sayyid reports on different opinions of Muslim scholars concerning the recent Fatwá that permits ‘Urfī marriages.
The Supreme Administrative Court has rejected requests of 45 Christians who temporarily converted to Islam and asked to return to Christianity. The court considered this a manipulation of both religions, differentiating between their cases and the religious freedom that is provided by the law and...


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