Displaying 11 - 20 of 36.
Judiciary independence and national pride are dominating the Egyptian reactions to the US threat to cut aid to Egypt on protest to the seven-year imprisonment sentence given to Saad Eddin Ibrahim. Ibrahim’s American wife says that the crisis will be solved in Egypt without American pressure.
Muhammad Salmāwī cites his conversation with Najīb Mahfūz regarding the publication of his novel ’ Awlād Hāratinā.’
The head of the Egyptian Writers’ Union, Muhammad Salmāwī, revealed a surprise when he announced that Najīb Mahfūz’s banned novel ’Children of the Alley’ would be published within weeks.
A great celebration took place on June 1st, in Saint Mary’s Coptic Church in Ma’adi, to commemorate the 2000th anniversary of the coming of the Holy Family to Egypt. The participation of Prime Minister Atef Ebeid and many other ministers, as well as Pope Shenouda III, The Sheikh of Azhar, Dr....
Explaining the broad meaning of the concept of jihād in Islām, Muslim thinker Rajab al-Bannā quoted famous British writer Karen Armstrong’s definition of it as "struggle and effort, not a synonym for holy war as Westerners define it." Ahmad ‘Izz al-Dīn al-‘Arab wrote in a short article in al-Wafd...
Egyptian articles that pay attention to conflicts within the Coptic Orthodox Church. A good analysis of medieval Muslim-Christian relations by Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery. Attention and appreciation for AWR work.
Muhammad Salmāwī writes about the widely controversial novel ‘Terrorist.’ In this novel the author digs deep into the psyche of an American Muslim of Egyptian origins and his transformation into a potential terrorist.
The West shares responsibility for reviving the religious trend in the Arabic region in the 1990s and for the religious groups’ resorting to violence as a means of expressing themselves. What is meant is not the indirect responsibility of the American policy, which is prejudiced towards Israel...
The author refuted what V.S. Naipaul said about Islam being a disaster for Asia as it wiped out all the public cultures of the countries it conquered. He gave Egypt and Spain as examples of the fact that Islam did not wipe out the cultures of the countries it conquered but interacted with them. He...
The author is of the opinion that the reasons for the assaults on Muslims and Arabs after the attacks in the USA are to be found in the inability of Americans, whose views seem to be deeply effected by the American media, which tends to superficialize matters and look for excitement, to face the...


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