Displaying 1 - 10 of 13.
  The Secretariat of Specialized Committees of the Future of the Homeland [political] party, headed by Engineer Muḥammad al-Jārḥī, organized their first forum under the title, "New Prospects Against Extremism" on Monday evening.
(Right) now all the political groups in Egypt conform to one main principle, which is to make sure that every part of society is represented in the constituent assembly that will draft the Egyptian constitution. There is no doubt that this principle is credible as long as it is implemented...
  I was invited on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 by Lieutenant General Sāmī ‘Anān, Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces, to attend a closed meeting attended by elite figures from the intellectual, political, media and arts in Egypt, as well as members of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (...
Only three papers wrote about "Knight without a horse" this week. One article discussed the ?Protocols of the Elders of Zion.? The series is praised in a second article and criticized in a third article for the same reason.
Some members of the Egyptian parliament launched a campaign against ?Knight without a horse? because it distorts the Egyptian national history. Moreover, Israel asked the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights to blame Egypt for its alleged anti-Semitism reflected in airing the series
The truth of the ?Protocols of the Elders of Zion? and the dramatic treatment of history are the focus of the articles commenting on ?Knight without a horse.? President Mubarak has sent a message to the Israeli president stressing that the series is not based on the ?Protocols.? The American...
The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights objects to the airing of ?Knight Without a Horse.? It asks the Arab TV channels airing it to announce that the ?Protocols of the Elders of Zion? are fabricated. Some writers are against the dramatic treatment of historical facts in the series. The court of...
Egyptian TV series ?Knight without a Horse? causes a major controversy because it is allegedly based on the book ?Protocols of the Elders of Zion.? Many Jewish groups object to the airing of the series. They asked the US Secretary of State to pressure the Egyptian government to prevent its...
Under the pretext that it is anti-semitic, Washington criticized the TV serial “Al-Shataat” [Diaspora] aired by Al-Manar TV, [which is] affiliated with Hizbullah, during Ramadan. Spokesman for the US Department of State mentioned that his country strongly objects to any expression of anti-Semitism...
Many people in the West accused the Ramadan series A Knight Without a Horse of anti-Semitism. Egyptians denied this. The series is evaluated in this article. The conclusion is that A Knight Without a Horse served as an outlet for Egyptian frustration of being helpless observers of Palestinian...


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