Displaying 1 - 10 of 12.
Since the Muslim Brotherhood announced that it has not yet decided which candidates to support, telephone calls have been flooding the office of the murshid [guide], Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif, from those seeking the Brotherhood’s backing.
Al-Wafd and al-Usboa papers are positive toward the Yemeni Shaykh al-Habib al-Gafri and against the decision to deport him. Sout al-Ummah, however, believes that better than deporting him would be to disclose his deception. al-Musawwar interviews him on the reasons behind his deportation and his...
The article is about the discussions that took place at the iftar dinner hosted by the Muslim Brotherhood. The speeches of many of those who attended the iftar flattered the Brotherhood to the extent that one wonders how possible they see the Brotherhood this way while belonging to other parties....
Since President Husnī Mubārak proposed the amendment of article 76 of the constitution, politicians and lawyers have been racking their brains about the formal conditions for nomination.
Everyone in politics is talking about the expected announcement that the Wafd party and the Muslim Brotherhood will unite in boycotting presidential elections and organizing parliament elections.
Those who think about Islamic states as having to be a theocracy enforcing the rules of Islam on their inhabitants are mistaken and do not know about Islam, since it does not contradict with diversity and coexistence, like other religions. Since humans are the representatives of God on earth, it is...
The early days of Islam did not witness any conflict between religion and state. Islam does not give anyone religious authority over human beings. Islam is not similar to Christian theology that is based on priesthood that granted itself a religious sacredness.
Media outlets published news about Dr. Nabil Luqa Bebawy’s PhD thesis about Islamic Shari’a titled “The rights and duties of non-Muslims in the Islamic state” as if it is a happy unprecedented event. 
Some political experts are of the opinion that the revisions of the Gama’a did not change on key issues such as the application of Shari’a, [the status of] Coptic Christians, multiple-party system and the freedom of opinion and belief. Those experts claim that the revisions of the group were...


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