Displaying 1 - 10 of 11.
A list of articles on the recent controversial press law from a variety of Egyptian news sources.
Dr. Mahmoud Abu Zeid, the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, emphasized the government’s intention to find a solution for the problems facing the Engineers Syndicate which has been under receivership [A court action that places property under the control of a receiver during litigation so...
In a study published in Al-Manar [the Minaret] Magazine under the title “the transitions of the Egyptian Islamic movement and its future”, Dr. Kamal Al-Sa’id Habib, a political researcher and one of the founders of the Jihad group, reviews the history of the Islamic movement in Egypt since the...
Regarding the future of the Islamic movement, Mamdouh Ismail, the deputy of the founders of Al-Shari’a Party, expresses his opinion that Islamic groups may return to violence. “The increase of internal and external pressures on Islamists and they way they are prevented from forming political...
The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights confirmed that the incident of Al-Koshh does not represent a social phenomenon, but it is not in itself a normal incident. A report of the EOHR discusses the factors that led to the incident.
Preachers of mosques all over the country have stressed on the importance of preserving national unity and supporting the stability of the Egyptian community in the face of attempts to harm that stability and separate the two elements of the nation, Copts and Muslims.
Sub-titles: The Israeli policy is aggressive and does not change. The people who carry out this policy are the only thing that changes I reject normalization with Israel I refused to participate in the Bethlehem 2000 Conference because I will not enter the Holy City while it is still partially...
On the occasion of the Golden Jubilee for the International Declaration of Human Rights, which is being celebrated these days by the world, the Research and Studies Center of Third World Countries, of the Political Science College at Cairo University, has held a symposium on the future of human...
Montasser El-Zayat, generally acknowledged as lawyer and spokesman of the radical Gama’at al-Islamiya, explains in an interview the dynamics within the extremist groups. He asks for a dialogue with these groups.
[and Al-Ahrar, August 10, 1998] Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies issues its second ’Report on the Religious Situation in Egypt’.


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