Displaying 1 - 10 of 17.
A delegation from the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas visited the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood headquarters on Wednesday, August 29, 2012. This meeting coincided with the weekly meeting of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) Guidance Office meeting. The delegation contained a number of Hamas leaders,...
Prime Minister Abdur-Ra’uf S. Rawabdeh on Wednesday told deputies that it was the Muslim Brotherhood who proposed sending Hamas leaders outside Jordan, and moving their offices abroad.
Four leaders of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, were released on Sunday and flown to Qatar after the case against them was dropped, Prime Minister Abdur-Ra’uf S. Rawabdeh said.
The optimism that followed the first round of negotiations between the Jordanian government and the Muslim Brotherhood to secure the release of Hamas resistance movement leaders from Jordanian jails seems to have ebbed.
Mounting Arab pressure has persuaded the Jordanian government to reverse its position on the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and to enter into dialogue with leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, who have agreed to act as mediators in the dispute between the two sides.
The Muslim Brotherhood on Tuesday dispatched a two-man team to Syria to meet with Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, leaders in a bid to come up with a "formula" to end the deadlock between the government and the Palestinian group, a spokesman of the movement said.
Prior to his departure last week for the United States, King Abdullah II of Jordan reiterated that his government’s crackdown on Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) offices in the capital Amman was motivated purely by Jordanian, rather than by foreign interests. "We have [experienced] no pressure...
Two prominent supporters of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas recently withdrew from the Hamas Solidarity Committee in protest against what they described as the Muslim Brotherhood’s soft handling of the recent arrest of Hamas leaders.
The Islamic Action Front has said it will continue its campaign to press for the release of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, leaders detained on charges of "belonging to illegal groups."
Authorities detained Hamas Politburo chief Khalid Misha’al, the group’s spokesman Ibrahim Ghosheh and politburo member Musa Abu Marzouk upon their arrival at Queen Alia International Airport.


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