Displaying 121 - 130 of 154.
Bishop Samuel liked very much to see a revival of ancient Coptic traditions. Al-Ahram Weekly’s editor-in-chief, Hosny Guindy, has been praised for his strong ethical principles. Guindy was a fine example of a Copt who was able to obtain a leading position in Egyptian society, despite claims of some...
Claims without any evidence that Christian girls in Egypt are kidnapped.
Though some civil society organizations criticized the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) and accused it of being a decoration and a beautification of the regime in the eyes of American politics, they started to rethink their position after the issuance of its first annual report.
The writer covers the celebration of the American Chamber of Commerce. He gives a summary of the address of the American ambassador in which he rebukes Egyptian policy and press.
The article presents the opinion of two Islamic scholars and preachers, Dr. Abdel Hakam Al-Sa’idi and Dr. Abdel Sabour Shaheen, concerning the idea of the Islamic religious discourse. They explain that any deficiency the Islamic religious discourse suffers from is because of religious scholars...
The author explains that Islam in Egypt is highly esteemed by both the followers of Muhammad and the followers of other religions all around the world. This estimation is due to the fact that Islam in Egypt is characterized by purity and tolerance within different Islamic schools. Al-Azhar...
The author discusses the issue of the renewal of [Islamic] religious discourse through the opinions of Muslim scholars and thinkers on the issue. The author presents the views of the Grand Imam of the Azhar Muhammad Sayyed, Dr. Kamal Abu Al-Magd, Abdel Sabour Marzouq, deputy head of the...
President Mubārak believes in one nation. He has nominated Copts in high positions [examples given in the article]. The demonstration in the cathedral was chaotic and aggressive. It was blackmailing both Pope Shenouda and the Egyptian state. The Copts have the right to be angry about issues...
The concept of citizenship rights forms the basis of the relationship between the citizen and the State. In this context, it is hoped that the ‘religion’ box [which identifies the holder’s religion, on his or her identification documents] would be abolished from official papers.” The words belong...
Last week’s editorial referred to President Mubarak’s words that “ As Egyptian Muslims and Copts, we should allow nothing to come between us”. The words, intended to condemn discrimination between Muslims and Copts, actually served as a strong reminder of it. This discrimination is especially...


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