Displaying 81 - 90 of 154.
Article two of the Egyptian Constitution is not subject to the proposed constitutional amendments. It is, however, the main subject of heated arguments and discussions in Egyptian society. A debate was held at The American University in Cairo [AUC] about the proposed amendments.
The interview with Muṣṭafá al- Fiqī, chief of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the People’s Assembly, is about the new amendments to the Constitution, the concept of the citizenship, and the Coptic political stance among these changes.
In an unprecedented occasion the Coptic Orthodox Church hosts a symposium where Muslim and Christians are intended to participate in an open objective dialogue to build bridges of intercommunication toward real values of citizenship.
As President Mubārak called for the Constitutional amendments, leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood group attacked them as they mainly aim at preventing political Islamic groups come to power. On the other hand, the media have praised the amendments, showing the dangers of the Brotherhood to both...
Who won the battle, those who sought to modernize Islam, or the militants? The author discusses integrating Islam into society in the West, and questions which cultural community will be forced to sacrifice values for the sake of integration.
The National Council for Human Rights ended its first session tensely; a member submitted a memo to its head and head of the Shūrá council decrying its performance as a failure.
While all Egyptians seem to agree on the importance of applying principles of citizenship and equality, and while everyone is calling for a more active role in political situations and the less political nature of religious institutions, many still argue about amending article two of the...
Majdī Khalīl discusses some of the principles which he says govern the political representation of minorities, as enshrined in international covenants, and proposes several mechanisms in this regard.
The campaign against Saad Eddin Ibrahim and his committee has continued in the Egyptian media, following his referral to the high court of state security.
State Security Prosecution searched the offices of the so- called Organization for Support of Egyptian Women Voters, a project affiliated to the Ibn Khaldoun Center. Thousands of forged voting cards were found. Ibrahim accepted funds of $200,00 from the EU in support of the project, where the...


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