Displaying 11 - 15 of 15.
The leader of Al-Wafd party deplored the recent steps taken by the Parties Affairs Committee against the Labor Party and its newspaper. The Party Affairs Committee announced on Sunday the suspension of Al-Shaab and all the other papers issued by the Labor party. The closure will be valid until all...
Subtitles: -The presidency of Shukri, Hamdi and Idris is not taken into consideration, -Al-Sha’ab and the papers of the party are suspended until the dispute is settled, -The file of the Labor Party is transferred to the General Prosecutor. The committee of parties decided not to take into...
Prime Minister Dr. Atef Ebeid visited Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the missionary province of St. Mark yesterday in the Abbassiyya Cathedral to extend Christmas greetings to him. Dr. Sayyed Tantawi the Sheikh Al-Azhar and other religious and government dignitaries also...
Pope Shenouda III invited several government and Muslim dignitaries amongst others to the National Unity Breakfast hosted by himself at the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral this week. One of the guests, Dr. Sayyed Tantawi, Sheikh of Al-Azhar congratulated Muslims and Christians on the incidence of having...
Dr. Mustafa Kamal Helmy, the chairman of the Shura Council and the Higher Council for Journalism, asserted that there is no truth to the allegations that there are disputes between Muslims and Copts in Egypt.


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