Displaying 31 - 40 of 44.
The conservatives and the religious authorities in Qum in Iran are putting all their hopes on the Council for Maintaining the Constitution, whose membership includes eminent Shi’ite references. These Shi’ite references would stand up against reformers’ attack on the Shi’a fiqh or the constants of...
The issue of “freedom of expression” has resurfaced after [Egyptian] writer Usama Anwar Okasha attributed to Amr Ibn Al-’Aas, one of Prophet Muhammad’s Companions, some traits disagreeing with honesty and exemplary behavior. Religious scholars in Egypt were disturbed, and decided to take the issue...
The Coptic Church lawyer filed a suit to prevent Mamdouh Mahran, editor in chief of Al Nabaa, from being given a verdict that enabled him and his son to rejoin the Journalists’ Syndicate.
The Cairo Personal Status Court rejected the Hisba suit brought forth by lawyer Nabih Al-Wahsh against Nawal Al-Sa’adawi to separate her from her husband. Al-Wahsh said that the court did not discuss the case and dismissed it only because he has formally no personal interest.
Al-Midan filed a lawsuit against Nawal Al-Sa’adawi because of her insistence on defaming the paper and accusing it of misinterpreting an interview it ran with her and on describing it as a yellow newspaper.
The Editor-in-Chief of Al Nabaa drove lawyer Nabih Al-Wahish away from the team of lawyers that are defending him because Al-Wahish described him as being light-headed, adding that he disregarded the limits of publishing in the case of the expelled monk.
The end of July is set as the date for ruling in the hisba case filed by lawyer Nabih Al-Wahish against Nawal Al-Sa’adawi to separate her from her husband. Al-Wahish stressed the importance of hearing the Mufti’s opinion on Al-Sa’adawi’s statement to Al-Midan and the testimony of the journalist who...
Tomorrow the Egyptian Administrative Court is to end the controversy about Al-Nabaa newspaper. It will also look into two cases filed by Mamdouh Mahran. In the first he tries to override a verbal ruling by the Minister of Interior prohibiting the press house from operating and in the second he...
Next Monday Cairo Personal Status Court will look at the hisba case lawyer Nabih Al-Wahsh filed against Nawal Al-Sa’adawi to separate her from her husband. He accused her of having insulted, and thereby renounced, her religion.
Nabih Al-Wahesh, attorney for Al-Nabaa paper, said that Al-Nabaa will be back as of Sunday. He added that the weekly issue is being prepared and that the military ruler did not shut down the press house, but ordered confiscation of Al-Nabaa’s June 17 issue, and Akher Khabar’s June 18 issue.


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