Displaying 11 - 20 of 22.
Director General of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services, Dr. Nabīl Samou’īl Abādīr, clarifies some points raised by his interview with al-Jumhourīya, published on August 11, page 14, under a headline reading ‘Why do Copts not participate in elections?’
For the first time in the history of Egypt, Egyptian citizens will exercise their constitutional right to elect their president in a free, direct ballot.
The Sheikh of the Azhar and a delegate of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services discussed the joint program between the institution and the Azhar in the field of inter-religious dialogue.
The Ministry of Awqaf and the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) organized a conference titled “citizenship in a changeable world.” Participants made it clear that Egyptian Muslims and Copts rejected the current American policy that supports the Israeli aggression against...
The article looks at the different religious groups in America and discusses the possibility of initiating a global dialogue among moderate religious people. The author´s main purpose of the article is to encourage concerned bodies in the Arab and Islamic world to build bridges for a civilized...
Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS) and the Ministry of Awqaf will organize a forum in which a group of distinguished Islamic scholars and Christian clergymen will discuss the challenges of globalization and its passivity over the Arab and Islamic communities.
Religious discourse bears within itself the understanding of the one who delivers it of the teachings of religion. It differs from one person to another and changes from one historical phase to the other. Credibility is one of its important factors. The special religious discourse should correspond...
European Union (EU) foreign policy commissioner Javier Solana had talks with Egyptian President Husnī Mubārak over ways of protecting religious symbols and beliefs as part of his efforts to defuse the crisis. During his visit to Egypt, the second leg of his tour of Arab and Muslim nations in the...
Nabīl Sāmu’īl Abādīr argues that NGOs promoting democracy should themselves be democratic.
Egyptian Muslim and Coptic leaders promote brotherhood between the religions by celebrating Ramadan together.


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