Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Because of the criticism in the Egyptian press on Coptic migrants we continued our overview of contributions on the Copts Daily Digest (see for the first overview RNSAW, 2002, week 14A, art. 11). Many responses in the Digest are strongly polarizing.
Christian reporter Nagy George, critical of US Coptic activists, passed away. Report on a visit to the monasteries of al-Muharraq, al-Qussia and Assiut. Description of the conversations on difficulties around expanding the Monastery and Muslim-Christian relations in the area with Bishop Thomas of...
The author comments on the reaction to what he wrote about emigrant Copts saying that it was met with a great deal of clamor and misunderstanding as it was understood to be referring to all emigrant Copts in general-which is not true.
Nagy George is very upset about the way some US Copts write about Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt. He commented on an unpublished letter of a Canadian Copt to the editor of Al-Ahali. George stressed that Copts are not a minority in Egypt and it is the role played by emigrant Copts that pushes...
An emigrant Copt sent a letter to the editor-in-chief of Al-Ahali, complaining about an article by the Christian columnist Nagy George, who criticized Michael Meunier for writing lies in a press release claiming that the Egyptian police had fired rubber bullets against an exaggerated large number...
Although they constitute an integral part of the social fabric, Copts are scarcely represented in the cinema. This scanty representation is quite disproportional to the real magnitude of their presence or their social roles. A new, soon-to-be-screened film, "Forbidden Talk", which depicts a Copt...
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