Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
A young Christian sent a letter to the author saying that he was not appointed as an accountant at a hotel in Dahab for being Christian.
The Administrative Court rejects the law-suit promoted by Yūsuf al-Badrī to have Wafā’ Constantine arraigning before the court to declare her religion. While Shaykh Yūsuf al-Badrī denounced the court’s rejection and claimed that Constantine was under forced residence in a Coptic monastery,...
Najlā’ Bidīr tells of her journey to the cave in the Western Mountain in Assiut.
Fahmī Huwaydī’ wrote an excellent comment on the recent Muslim-Christian tensions in Alexandria. Comment on discussions about conversions from Islam to Christianity.  Aḥmad Abū al-Majd believes citizenship and democracy are ‘empty slogans’ in Egypt.
The Virgin Mary church in Zeitoun is a relatively small building that is surrounded by a small garden in which the Virgin tree is located. This church had only a very small congregation, but after the Virgin Mary appeared everything changed and thousands of visitors started to come to the church...
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