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One of the most essential elements of the Zionist project revolves around a clear and accurate definition of the Jewish identity.  This definition has been quite hard to pin down due to two main factors.  The first is the relationship between the Jewish diaspora, the Jewish community living outside...
The Knesset Christian Allies Caucus members met with Evangelical Christians from around the world to discuss securing the existence of the Jewish state and ways to face up to the "Islamic threat.”
The Russian Ministry of Education prepared a project aiming at promoting the concept of tolerance and combating terrorism. The project is planned in the first place to face the anti-Semitism feelings in Russia.
In the American Webster’s dictionary, the third international edition, anti-Semitism was defined as “hostility toward Jews as a religious or ethnic minority,” and another definition was “anti-Zionism and anyone with sympathizes with the enemies of the state of Israel.” Dan Walsh, an advisor to the...
The Arab-American Committee Against Discrimination in the U.S. protested Webster’s Dictionary altering the meaning of “anti-Semitism” in its new edition. The “anti-Semitism” entry in the dictionary designates anyone who is against Israel and sympathizes with its enemies as anti-Semitic.
Some recent analyses held that the U.S. administration is now busy planning to wage a new Cold War on the Muslim world, a war that would not be far from a concept of a Crusade in a modern form.
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