Date of source: Saturday, June 12, 2004
The conservatives and the religious authorities in Qum in Iran are putting all their hopes on the Council for Maintaining the Constitution, whose membership includes eminent Shi’ite references. These Shi’ite references would stand up against reformers’ attack on the Shi’a fiqh or the constants of...
Date of source: Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Dr. Nawal Al-Sa’adawi’s novel “Soqout Al-Imam” [The Fall of the Imam] has been banned. Many
intellectuals have launched a campaign against banning whether by religious or political
authorities. But some intellectuals refused to support Al-Sa’adawi’s novel because they claimed
that has little...
Date of source: Saturday, August 7, 2004
On June 19, 2004, Al-Ahram Al
-Arabi published an interview with Dr. Nawal. Sa’adawi [See AWR 2004 week 25, art. 6]. I disagree
with many of Dr. Sa’adawi’s views. Many of Dr. Sa’adawi’s writings conflicts with basic aspects
of religion.
Date of source: Sunday, August 22, 2004
A book
written by Gamal Al-Banna, the brother of Hassan Al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, was
banned. The book is titled Mas’ouleyit fashal al-dawla al-Islamiya fil asr Al-hadith [The
responsibility for the failure of the Islamic State in the modern era]. The book discusses the
Date of source: Tuesday, July 6, 2004
Some trends have intentionally sought to stoke the fire by depicting the Azhar as an
institution that aims to impede creativity and stifle freedom and artists. Real artists and
intellectuals are not those who are after fame, power and money to the detriment of principles
and values. There are...
Date of source: Friday, July 2, 2004
Investigations are underway by the censorship authorities
concerning the copies of Dr. Nawal Al-Sa’adawi’s “Fall of the Imam” that were leaked to the
Egyptian market, although the authorities had confiscated copies of the novel on December 13,
2000. The confiscation of the novel has caused...
Date of source: Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Many literal works that were recommended to be
banned by the Islamic Research Institute, like “Waleemat A’shab Al-Bahr” [Banquet of seaweeds] by
Haidar Haidar, and most recently Nawal Al-Sa’adawi’s “Soqout Al-Imam [the Fall of the Imam], are
humble and modest texts from a literary point-of-view...
Date of source: Saturday, June 19, 2004
In this interview Nawal Al-Sa’adawi answers many questions about the attacks on her and the supervision of the Azhar over artistic works.
- See art. 40: A debate on the controversial role of religious institution in supervision artistic material
Date of source:
The Council of Scientific Research at the Azhar University recommended a few
days ago that Nawal Al-Sa’adawi’s novel “Soqout Al-Imam” [The Fall of the Imam] be banned after
being released in Cairo seventeen years ago. The imam [in the novel] served as the central
symbol representing patriarchal...
Date of source: Sunday, October 17, 2004
The heated
controversy in Egypt over the statements of the writer Usama Anwar Okasha has been escalated. In
a press article, Okasha attacked the Companion of the Prophet Amr Ibn Al-‘As and made some
accusations against him, which some people considered an insult to Amr Ibn Al-‘As.
- See art. 7...