Displaying 1 - 10 of 14.
The security apparatus has warned about al-Qā‘idah’s attempts to obtain information and chemical substances in order to manufacture biological weapons.
Numayrī Shūmān reports on a decision of a nuns’ school administration to ban female students from wearing Ḥijāb at school, which made a number of parents to file complaints against the decision.
Pope Shenouda III has obtained a court verdict against Muhsin Adīb, a Copt, who was reported as leasing two flats owned by the pope in Cairo’s Heliopolis, but having ceased paying their monthly rent since April 1997.
The Iraqi Shī‘ah protest against the Egyptian government and threaten to organize demonstrations, following the government’s rejection to authorize them to build a Shiite mosque. While the Iraqi Shiites ask for their freedom of creed, an Egyptian security source asserts that there is no separation...
Numayrī Shūmān reports on the recent incident involving Father Yulā Kamil Indraus, priest of Isma‘īliyah. Father Indraus was attempting to resolve a dispute between a man and his wife by forcing the husband to sign checks worth a total of roughly 40.000 pounds.
Rumors spread about Muslims being involved in the displacement of 29 Christian families in an Upper-Egyptian town to build an Azhar institute there. The issue sparked violent protests from Christians who filed claims against the governor of al-Minyā.
As litigation about the title of a piece of land neighboring a Coptic monastery in “Awlād ‘Azzāz” village, sever clashes sparked between Muslim and Christian residents. The editor of AWR added a comment about Orthodox clergy at times instructing buildings without permits.
The article discusses the issue of church funds and the sources from which they are obtained, amidst calls to transparently declare the budget on the grounds that church money is in the first place owned by Coptic citizens.
Qatqouta Shenouda discovered that her husband Nāsir ‘Imyān had been married to 15 other women, and so she appealed to the court seeking a divorce and she convicted her husband of committing adultery and abusing her.
The Mufti of Egypt, Ali Goma´a, issued a new and strange fatwa that allows women to pray wearing a ballet dancer´s costume. Still, there are conditions for praying with this costume. The room where one is praying should be totally dark. The fatwa triggered the anger of all the members of...


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