Displaying 51 - 60 of 81.
Coptic author Magdi Khalil claims that several international human rights associations called the Copts in Egypt ‘a persecuted minority’. Behavior of the ruling National Democratic Party in Egypt during the presidential elections. Attention for AWR work: many questions, inquiries and personal...
The Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) is regularly asked about the claims of Christian refugee seekers. This time the request came from Benoأ®t Forget, an analyst in a Belgian refugee office, for information about Christian asylum seekers from Egypt. CAWU is able to answer his questions...
Memories of Rev. Dr. Otto Meinardus.
Introduction of the new AWR format and the first phase of the website www.cawu.org.
A tribute to Prof. Meinardus, eminent Coptologist, on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Sadly Prof. Meinardus died a few days before his birthday.
Obituary of Otto Meinardus, eminent Coptologist and prolific writer who died at the age of 79 on September 18, 2005.
Personal recollections of Otto Meinardus.
In memory of Prof. Otto Meinardus.
In memory of Prof. Meinardus by Dr. Mary Massoud, Professor at Ain Shams University, Cairo.
A poem in memory of Prof. Otto Meinardus by Dr. George H. Bibawi, Director of the Orthodox Christian Institute, University of Cambridge, UK.


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