Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
After the publication of Be Thou There; the Holy Family’s Journey in Egypt (AUC Press, 2001), Cornelis Hulsman organized a number of ‘pilgrimages’ to locations of the Holy Family in Egypt.
Epiphany is the day that Christ was baptized in the river of Jordan by John the Baptist. In Egypt the Coptic Orthodox church celebrates it on the 11th of Tuba, the Coptic month. Many Muslims likewise celebrate it, especially in Upper Egypt and join their Christian brothers in eating sugar cane,...
Background: There is a short interview with a student of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) about Christian missionary work in Morocco. The major part of the recording is Zuzana Skalova, a Czech art historian speaking about the conservation of Coptic icons in Egypt. One of her central...
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