Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
The Egyptian Moral Rearmament Association (EMRA) celebrated on November 29 and 30 its 30th anniversary. The Moral Rearmament Association is the name of the organization when it was founded in Switzerland before the Second World War. In Europe and most other countries the name was changed to...
In The Name Of God Most Gracious Most Merciful Our beloved country, Egypt, is going through a very critical transitional period after the 25th of January peaceful revolution. The current situation is very critical and demands a lot of wisdom and self-restraint. We are facing many challenges,...
  Earlier this month, AWR hosted a peace-building workshop that aimed to lessen tensions between Egypt's Christian and Muslim communities. AWR's Jayson Casper attended the conference and has this report....      
  Two news reports have stoked sectarian tensions in Upper Egypt in recent weeks. The first involves two young Coptic girls who were allegedly kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam. The second involves a protest at a church were Muslims reportedly threatened to kill the priest...   There is a...
  Former enemies in a bitter sectarian conflict, Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye now work together for peace between their respective Muslim and Christian communities in Nigeria. They recently held a pair of peacebuilding workshops in Cairo hosted by CAWU....   There is a full-text...
During the visit by Nigerian Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye to Egypt on June 12-17 to hold a workshop titled Sectarianism, Dialogue and Tolerance, in association with the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation (CIDT), a meeting was arranged for them with Bishop Yuhannā Qultah...
The Center for Arab-West Understanding hosted a workshop featuring Imām Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye in Alexandria, June 13-14, 2011, and in Cairo June 15-16, 2011. The workshop was about peace-building and preventing future sectarian troubles between Muslims and Christians in Egypt. The...
The American University in Cairo organized a cultural evening on interfaith dialogue.
Visiting Nigerian imam and pastor in Cairo expound on their experiences in interfaith understanding The Arabic-language press carries many reports dealing with relations between the faiths and within the faiths.
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