Displaying 81 - 90 of 125.
The Egyptian religious establishment adhered to its position of favoring stability and opposing the spread of chaos and sabotage. It has also supported the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and the five communiqués it has issued since it took over following the stepping down of President Ḥusnī...
The Coptic Orthodox Church did not send representatives to the founding meeting of the Azhar’s Family Home initiative on Saturday, according to al-Wafd.   A church source told the paper that two senior members of the Coptic Orthodox hierarchy had been scheduled to attend the meeting, but he...
This article highlights an interview between Radio Vatican and Father Rafīq Greish, a spokesman for the Coptic Catholic Church, who speaks about the state of Egyptian Christians during the past months. Greish discusses the ‘Umrāniyyah riots against the construction stoppage of an unlicensed church...
Spokesman of the Catholic Church in Egypt, Father Rfīq Grech responded to the accusations of bribing Sudanese to convert to Christianity and explained that the Catholic Church offers aids on humanitarian bases regardless of people’s’ belonging, alluding to the numerous social services the Catholic...
The Italian TV film ’St. Peter’ staring ‘Umar al-Sharīf seems to have sparked a debate between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church as it suggests that St. Peter the Apostle was the chief disciple, a view that the Orthodox Church denies.
The article looks at recent incidents of fundamentalism in Egypt, citing the examples of a university course at Alexandria University and an Islamic thinker who has accused priests of secretly baptising converts.
The author thinks all Muslims are accused of terrorism unless they accept kneeling before the Western hegemony.
Cardinal Jean Louis Tauran’s statement provokes hostile reactions from some Muslim and Azhar figures in Egypt. The cardinal stated that the “absolute interpretation” of the Qur’ān makes dialogue between Islam and Christianity difficult.
Robeir al-Faris discusses the decision announced by Shaykh Ṭanṭāwī regarding permitting Copts to study at the Azhar. He further mentions the recent furor caused by a documentary that depicts Christ from a Muslim perspective.


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