Date of source: Monday, January 17, 2005
Sectarian strife would not exist if there were civil laws protecting religious liberties, if the government and government officials were trained to deal with such occurrences effectively and openly, and if the media played its role.
Date of source: Monday, January 17, 2005
One cannot just disregard the so-called ‘Wafā’ Costantine issue’ as a mere incident. The conversion of Wafā’ from Christianity to Islam was perceived as a desertion from the Coptic group and institution. It triggered a collective Coptic reaction expressive of feelings of total rejection.
Date of source: Thursday, November 15, 2001 to Wednesday, November 21, 2001
Could the current US-led coalition war against Afghanistan result in tensions between Egypt’s two major religions? In Lebanon the split between Christians and Muslims has widened as each has taken the opposite side. Egypt, however, has experienced nothing of this kind.
Date of source: Sunday, April 1, 2001
Dr. Rafiq Habib is a Coptic intellectual who refused to meet with the American delegation for International Religious Freedom. He believes that the delegation tries to force what they call religious freedom, allowing American missionaries to work in Egypt to convert Muslims and Orthodox Copts to...
Date of source: Saturday, September 9, 2000
The reactions to the contradictory stands of the priest of the Hanging Church continue. While he was inciting public opinion, the committee for the restoration affirmed that the restoration was correct. He asked some archaeologists to join the fifth column and criticize the project, but...
Date of source: Monday, January 31, 2000
This article came as a defense of Bishop Wissa and a criticism of the editor-in-chief of Al-Usboa Newspaper. The reader, Seif Elia, accused him of siding in issue 153 of the newspaper against Copts and Bishop Wissa. The reader challenged the newspaper to publish his defense. He said that truth...
Date of source: Monday, January 10, 2000
Gamal Asad: There is a crisis that should be handled and a priest whose role should be restricted
Rafiq Habib: The violence of any organization is less dangerous than public violence
Yunan Labib Rizq: It is neither an individual problem nor a conspiracy but it is an issue related to...
Date of source: Saturday, November 20, 1999
Safwat Al-Bayadi, the head of the Protestant Church in Egypt says that only twenty percent of the members of the Protestant churches in Egypt believe that Christ will come at the end of this year. Dr. Rafiq Habib says that some people in the West use these ideas as a reason for supporting Israel....
Date of source: Saturday, September 4, 1999
Father Ibrahim Abdel Sayyed was known to be staunch critic of the Pope and his dictatorial way of running the affairs of the Church, but the majority of people were appalled by the refusal of the Orthodox Church to hold prayers for him when he died last week.
Date of source: Sunday, August 29, 1999
Hulsman asked three Evangelical pastors in Egypt to comment on the two Rose el-Yousef articles. These pastors are certainly not happy with the publications in Rose el-Yousef. Their criticism, however, focuses on the tensions between churches in Egypt and para-Christian organizations, the...