Displaying 31 - 40 of 50.
Islam and Christianity do not have the same problems as Judaism in its dealings with non-Jews. Both religions are tolerant toward the “other.” The problem of Judaism emerges because Judaism adopts a race-based affiliation. Because Judaism is a religion that stresses the importance of the Jewish...
What did the Old Testament and the Talmud, both of which shape the existence of the Jews, say?!” What is happening to the Jewish faith in terms of feelings of superiority or genius, both of which have contributed to the discrimination between Jews and non-Jews in Jewish society. All these...
This equality and tolerance shown by Islam is because Islam believes that all human beings are of one origin. Human rights in Islam are based on two points: equality, and the fact that human beings share one common origin. Everyone is equal before God; their good deeds make the difference. Many...
All followers of other religions were treated with tolerance under Islam since the era of the Rashidun [Orthodox] Caliphs. Islam did not neglect the followers of other religions and the Islamic civilization did not distinguish between a Muslim and a non-Muslim. Jews enjoyed all rights and...
Now, the most widespread accusation, which is also the most wrongly used one, is the accusation of anti-Semitism. Gamal Himdan, an anthropologist, who wrote a book about the anthropology of the Jews explained that the Jews could be classified into more than one race all over the world. So he...
Coptic lawyers have entered as a party in the political game in the Egyptian Bar Association elections. Despite the failure of all Coptic candidates in the recent elections, the role played by Coptic lawyers was undeniable, forming another trump card in the face of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Rajā’ī ‘Atīya enters the Bar Association election race this time hoping to score a sweeping victory to make up for the loss in the last elections, which he blamed on a rigged and manipulative vote count.
Shaykh Yousuf al-Badrī, leader of the hisba [the right of a Muslim to defend public morality, suing on behalf of religion] group in Egypt, filed a lawsuit before the administrative court of the Council of State for canceling the membership of Rajā’ī ‘Atīya, a member of the Islamic Research...
The intensity of the conflict between Sāmih and Rajā’ī over the Bar Association’s chairmanship increased after Mājid Hannā, the Church candidate decided to withdraw from the elections. He withdrew even though there were a lot of pledges for his success especially from the Church and from his Coptic...
Two weeks of peace in the Bar Association ended and it turned again to disturbance when the juridical committee observing elections of the association fixed those elections for March 12 to select the head and the Board of the association.


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