Displaying 11 - 16 of 16.
The motivation, objectives and program of an RNSAW workshop for Egyptian journalists in cooperation with the Al-Ahram Institute for Regional Journalism. The workshop is financed by the Dutch Embassy and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and covers human rights issues, women, Western and Arab media, freedom...
Discussion at the AUC about news ethics and objectivity, moderated by Drs. Hulsman. The importance of translation for intercultural understanding. Critique on an article that claims Copts are raped, murdered and persecuted because of their religion.
Egyptian journalists in the workshop on Comparing Western and Egyptian perspectives on covering current affairs often wanted to protect the image of Egypt and the Arab world in general.
Workshop for Egyptian journalists; the Israeli-Arab conflict.
The suspicions in Mamdouh Nakhla’s press release amount to a conspiracy theory about the death of a priest without having any supporting evidence. Some American Coptic activists tried to convince the RNSAW not to publish this text in the RNSAW because it harms Nakhla’s credibility. The intensive...
Michael Meunier, president of US Copts Association, was upset about the statements Al-Ahram, January 31, attributed to bishop Yo’annis, secretary of H.H. Pope Shenouda, in which he supposedly criticized the World Council of Churches which was seen as a response to a statement of the World Council...


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