Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
The article overviews the life and reformatory church contributions of key church figure Archdeacon Habīb Girgis.
Tawfīq Habīb writes articles on church reform, causing a number of clergymen to be dissatisfied with him.
The article reports on the activities of a youth gathering entitled, ‘Creation and Religions as Sources of Unity’ that took place between November 30 and December 2 in Aleppo, Syria.
The author of the article refers to a conflict that arose between the church and the Coptic newspaper Watanī, and discusses the church’s relationship with the Coptic press over the past century.
A conference was arranged with Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim to discuss the accusations raised against him. These accusations are still being investigated by the Attorney General’s Office. The discussion turned into a celebration, during which those present welcomed and congratulated the director of the...
A group of Coptic youth give their reactions to the recent incidents of Al-Kosheh.
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