Displaying 11 - 17 of 17.
The Egyptian authorities have started a large-scale arrest campaign against members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, but the reasons for the detentions remain unclear to most observers.
The review concerns the recent arrests of members of the Muslim Brotherhood, on charges of holding a meeting in violation of the law and the constitution.
The article is a comment on the letter of Magdy Al-Barbari to Sawt Al-Umma.
The Egyptian government accused the Muslim Brotherhood of seeking to overturn the regime and establish an Islamic Caliphate. The higher State Security Prosecution decided to put 17 Brotherhood members in jail for 15 days pending further investigations. It also ordered the arrest of three other...
The article gives an account and a brief history of the most influential contemporary figures of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, particularly those in the Irshād [Guidance] Office.
The article gives a brief historical overview of how the different Islamic groups spread their authority over the political activities of universities in Egypt. The Gama’at Al-Islamiya started in the 1970s, declined in the 1980s and disappeared in the 1990s. The Brotherhood concentrated on poor...
The note which was found in the wallet of one of the suspects in the last lawsuit of the Muslim Brotherhood, became a key document in the lawsuit. The note is entitled "the syndicates’ membership department" which is described as one of the technical offices supervised by the guidance office of the...


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