Displaying 51 - 60 of 99.
The writer talks about how the West has transformed the celebration of Christmas into a celebration of Santa Clause, and it is starting to become a phenomenon in the East.
A Coptic Orthodox Church is discovered on Rodos Island in Greece, and raises a number of questions regarding its authenticity.
The writer tries to presents a Biblical chronology of the birth of Jesus Christ to clarify the difference between the Western and the Eastern Church calendar.
Rober al-Fāris discusses the phenomenon of the jokes that Copts tell about their priests, citing the opinions of a number of men of religion on the issue.
Rober al-Fāris responds to an article published by al-Kirāzah magazine, mouthpiece of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt, on church trials.
The article explains the history of Monastery of Muharraq and describes the experience of 16 artists who stayed there for six days.
The article is about Kathleen McGown’s ‘The Expected One,’ a new book in which its writer claims she belongs to Christ’s "offspring."
Despite their importance and breathtaking beauty, the five oases of Egypt: Siwa, Bahariya, Farafra, Dakhla and Kharga, are unfamiliar to most Egyptians. Al-Fāris describes the beauty of Siwa oasis.
The appointment of a female leader in the Episcopal Church ignites controversy in Christian circles. Coptic clergymen argue that the ordination of a woman is unacceptable, while clergymen in the U.S. defend their decision of appointing a female.
The article summarizes a letter from Bishop Gregorius sent to al-Majlis al -Millī in 1971 that expresses his opinion about the current bylaw for electing the Coptic patriarch.


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