Displaying 11 - 20 of 23.
Islamist Sheikh Abdul Mun’em Abu Zant was again detained by the prosecutor general on Wednesday for violating the Sermons Law, which prohibits radical sermons, but was later released on bail pending trial.
Former Islamist deputy Abdul Munem Abu Zant was briefly detained on Tuesday for violating the Sermons Law, an official at the Ministry of Interior said.
Authorities detained Hamas Politburo chief Khalid Misha’al, the group’s spokesman Ibrahim Ghosheh and politburo member Musa Abu Marzouk upon their arrival at Queen Alia International Airport.
A defense lawyer for the 15 detainees rounded up ten days ago for their alleged connection with the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, on Wednesday said he hoped the case against his clients would be dismissed for lack of evidence. In their testimonies to the State Security Court prosecutor, he...
Jordan’s clampdown on the activities of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, is bound to put an end to complaints by the Palestine National Authority and Israel, diplomats and political analysts said on Tuesday.
Police on Monday closed down the offices of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, in Amman, rounded up 12 of its members and issued arrest warrants against four of its leaders, official sources said on Monday.
The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, says it plans to establish a new "national body" before year’s end to replace the Palestine Liberation Organization, which it describes as obsolete.
The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood movement on Monday refuted press reports that Jordan requested brotherhood members exiled here not to convene the Shura Council in order not to damage Amman’s mending ties with Damascus.
Hard-line and centrist members of the Muslim Brotherhood sought to bury the hatchet in a crucial Shura Council session that apparently has smoothed out a two-month feud between them, Islamist sources said on Saturday. Several Islamist activists have noted that the growing differences within the...
A simmering feud between the "hawks" and "doves" of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan was the focus of the Shura Council’s three days of deliberations, due to end on Friday [July 23, 1999] night on whether or not to refer several of its hardline members to the Brotherhood’s internal court.


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