Displaying 31 - 40 of 82.
Dr. Rif‘at al-Sa‘īd writes about the system of khalīfah [Islamic Caliphate] in Egypt. He describes its rise and fall, and the significant factors involved therein.
Transcribed by: Susan Richards-BensonThe following present a transcript of an interview with Tarek Heggy. Heggy discusses a number of issues, centered around his controversial article ‘If I were a Copt.’ He comments on current events in Egypt and the Arab world, and present his opinion on issues...
The following lines highlight the historic background of religious and civil states in Egypt. Muṣṭafá Kāmil was the advocate of an Islamic state a century ago. He was defeated by a national group that advocates a civil state. The same struggle appears to be repeating nowadays with discussions over...
The writer presents famous examples of successful Egyptian women who changed society.
While some consider the proposed anti-terrorism law a violation of an individual’s freedom and privacy, others consider this proposed constitutional text to be a means of avoiding terrorist attacks in Egypt. Arguments about citizenship and article two are still the main subjects of all debates...
Some political groups aiming to achieve their individual goals manipulate history to their own benefit.
The article discusses various aspects of Coptic emigrants.
The author records the history of the Muslim Brotherhood and its relation with Copts.
The author continues his series of articles on Bedouinization. He questions to what extent it is accurate to say that the Bedoiuns had a great influence on culture in the Middle East, and considers dress code among other things.
‘Ubayd discusses the history of various forms of Christianity, from Arab Christians to Eastern Christians, and the problems that are still remain to overcome.


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