Displaying 1 - 10 of 13.
Safīnāz Kāzim disagrees with those who call for the separation of religion and politics, stating that the nation of Egypt is necessarily a religious country. In her opinion, every Muslim's ideal governing system of Muslim land involves Islamic rule with Islamic laws.
Egyptian newspapers gave considerable space to the issue of the expected banning of the Islamic veil in France. Discussions of the issue reached their peak last Wednesday, December 17, when President Jacques Chirac called for a new law banning the wearing of head scarves for Muslim girls, of...
Safinaz Kazam criticized Sout Al-Umma for reporting that the General Guide of the Brotherhood contracted Alzheimer. She believes the paper does not practice what it preaches about respecting the principles of journalism. Her article received many comments refuting her argument.
Safinaz Kazem writes about her experience of what she sees as persecution, as a result of her opposition to President Sadat’s signing the Camp David Accords, and states that persecution is for all Egyptians, not just Copts.
Sherin Hafez, a researcher at the American University in Cairo, made a research under the title “Methods of empowerment: Muslim women activists in Egypt.” In her research, Hafez depended on a field survey she conducted in two Islamic NGOs which are run by women and have female staff. The two NGOs,...
The author criticizes some of the points Tareq Heqi brings up in his letter. She disagrees with him that Copts are the original inhabitants of Egypt and that Arabs existence in Andalus [Spain] was no more than the French occupation of Algeria. She criticizes him for supporting America’s attacks on...
The article covers “letters to the editor” commenting on Tareq Heggi’s article "Muslims brought forth a dark sect which is Wahhabism" and Safinaz Kazim’s article "Watch it...Get out of the way, Tareq Heggi is thinking."
Dr. Raymond William Baker, a professor of political science at Trinity College [USA] and the American University in Cairo (AUC), celebrated his recent book “Islam Without Fear”: Egypt and the New Islamists.” Baker studied the phenomenon of the neo-Islamists in Egypt, which he chose for being the...
One of the newspapers ran an interview with Dr. Nawal Al-Sa’adawi, in which she was asked her opinion about going on pilgrimage and other issues. The author argues against her opinions and claims that her knowledge of Islam is poor.
Dr. Adel Sabour Shahin said that Nawal Al-Sa’adawi was a heretic and a communist who does not believe in God. Dr. Suade Salah, the former dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, said that her opinions are considered a deviation from religion as she denied one of the main essentials in Islam, that...


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