Displaying 261 - 270 of 378.
The Evangelical election scheduled for March 23, 2007, is expected to be more exciting this time. Dr. Rev. Makram Najīb is running for head of the denomination against Dr. Re. Ṣafwat al-Bayyāḍī.
Dayanā al-Dhab‘ reports about the Evangelical Church elections.
Article two in the Egyptian Constitution seems to be the most problematic issue about the proposed Constitutional amendments. While the majority of Egyptians call for a civil state on the basis of citizenship and equality, many stress the impossibility of omitting or changing article two of the...
The Evangelical denomination has opened its door to the denomination presidential election by deleting the item that confined the presidency to men which, for the first time, permits women to run for election.
Aḥmad al-Si‘dāwī interviews Bishop Marqus to ask him about his declarations concerning the constitutional reform in Egypt.
While all Egyptians seem to agree on the importance of applying principles of citizenship and equality, and while everyone is calling for a more active role in political situations and the less political nature of religious institutions, many still argue about amending article two of the...
In an interview with al-Dustūr, Dr. Ṣafwat al- Bayyāḍī, the head of the Evangelical denomination in Egypt, stressed the right of Egyptian Christians to proselytize their religious beliefs and denied claims that missionary activities in Egypt are financed by the Evangelical Church in the United...
Dr. Isaac Fānūs, father of the revival of Coptic iconography, passed away. Dr. Muḥammad ‘Imārah publicly apologized for placing a quote in his book justifying violence against Copts.
The Egyptian press has widely covered Christmas celebrations held by the Coptic Orthodox Church and presided over by Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark.
The writer records some religion men’s opinions on "the al-Sharīf Gospel" and their causes to object it.


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