Displaying 11 - 19 of 19.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s demonstrations in support of the independence of the Egyptian judiciary have posed many questions over the group’s respect for the current “positive laws,” Mustafa Bayyoumī writes.
The author says he interviewed the Muslim Brotherhood supreme guide, Mahdī ‘Ākif, in his Irshād [Guidance] office a few days ahead of the last parliamentary elections, but the interview it was not published in full at the newspaper for which he used to work.
The author criticizes the murshid of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood organization, Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif, for his insults against Egypt during an interview he gave to journalist Sa‘īd Shu‘ayb, who could not publish it in full in his weekly column in al-Karāma newspaper.
Dr. Abd el-Mon´em Abu Al-Fotouh, Muslim Brotherhood member, denied that the group has any intention to escalate the campaign against poet Ahmed Al-Shahawi´s book “Commandments on Loving Women.” He asserted that the issue is now being handled between the Azhar and the Ministry of Culture,...
‘Abd al-Mun‘im Abu al-Futouh spoke in this interview with al-‘ظگArabī about his controversial visit to Egyptian Nobel laureate Najīb Mahfouz within the group’s activities as being in contact with intellectuals in the society, as well as the group’s relations with Copts.
In this interview, the Coptic intellectual Dr. Milad Hanna expresses his free-spoken opinions concerning the aspired political reform in Egypt and the situation of Copts in terms of principles of equality and citizenship.
What led me to interview Dr. Ayman Sabri Farag, or Abu Gaffar Al-Masry Al-Kandahari, was not his ideas, most of which I disagree with. Apart from this, there are many who embrace the same ideas. I was actually attracted to his outstanding, unique loyalty to and total absorption in his own ideas,...
I was very much astonished when Dr. Ayman Sabri Farag or Abu Gaffar Al-Masry Al-Kandahari told me “During the time of violent incidents in Upper Egypt, I felt very distressed. In his opinion, these incidents ‘tarnish the image of Islam and turn people away from it.’ These incidents do away with...
I conducted this interview with Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim almost two months ago, but it was not complete. The atmosphere was very tense because he considered the questions a sort of an insult to him. Dr. Ibrahim calls for freedom and democracy all the time, so how can he get angry at a question,...


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