Displaying 31 - 40 of 151.
Nabīl ‘Abd al-FattāḤ wrote an excellent article on some biased Western authors. Sāmih Fawzī believed that the mental image of the West in Arab minds is one of the main obstacles to successful dialogue between the West and Arab nations.
The author reports on complains of Christian inhabitants of the Qena governorate about the city’s Coptic Governor Gen. Majdī Ayyūb, whom they criticize for not issuing any licenses for the renovation of churches over the past two years. They think the obstacle is that he fears being accused of...
Politicians, thinkers, and human right activists have asserted that the long-awaited platform of the banned Muslim Brotherhood group is a huge jump backward in politics as it clearly rules women and Coptic citizens out of high leading positions.
This article is a continuation of a discussion on ‘Toward a civil democratic Islamic discourse, the constitutional stipulation of Islam and its philosophy of the rule.’ It cites articles from the constitutions of Malaysia, Indonesia, and Turkey to demonstrate how the different political systems...
A conference entitled, ‘Toward a civil democratic Islamic discourse, the Constitutional stipulation of Islam and its philosophy of rule,’ was held in Amman, Jordan. The attendants agreed on the main issues, discussed other issues and avoided controversial issues.
Pope Shenouda issued a document in which he called for innovation in the clerical discourse in the Coptic Orthodox Church. While the document could gain the appreciation of the Coptic Orthodox clergymen and a considerable number of activist laymen, another group of the laymen considers it both a...
The author argues that men of religion, lawyers, and less-educated people have become Egyptian society’s decision-makers and its new intellectual elite. They are an influential force that shapes the mind of the average citizen on the issues of conversion and Muslim-Christian relations.
Statements by Dutch Bishop Tiny Muskens on a Dutch TV program on the use of the name Allah and God by Muslims and Christians. Sāmih Fawzī believes there is a need to enact a law that regulates the issue of conversion.
The following article presents a critique of media outlets and how they help to fuel the flames of sectarian sedition, spreading rumors before first validating their facts.
The lawsuit filed by Mamdūḥ Nakhlah against the Egyptian government harms the fundamental issue of equality in the building of houses of worship and incites people against the proposed law.


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