Displaying 71 - 80 of 193.
Samīr Marqus begins by quoting the celebrated Egyptian writer Najīb Maḥfūẓ from one of his major works: "The problem of the Copts is that of the people. If they are persecuted, so are we; if they are liberated, so are we." Marqus says this means "there will be no salvation for the Copts in...
The editors-in-chief of various newspapers held a conference to “confront Al-fitnah al-tā’ifīyah” and oppose issues threatening national security on Sunday at the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate. They called for a unified law for the building of all places of worship and the removal of the “religion...
The ‘citizens in one homeland’ group has published a document entitled ‘the Egyptian national church, future visions’ and has called on the church to stay out of the political sphere.
Samīr Marqus warns of division and calls for a radical end to extremism and sectarian conflict in Egypt, stressing the importance of the education system and the media.
On June 21, 2009 violent conflict broke out between Muslims, Christians, and security forces of Izbet Bushra, a small village located in the governorate of Beni Suef, approximately 120 kilometers south of Cairo.
Sāmih Fawzī discusses Egypt’s emigration problem, the need for greater transparency and Coptic expatriates. He also calls on Christians to be active players in Egyptian society andbelieves that in the modern age socio-economic factors are more of a uniting force than religion.
The Religious Liberty Group of the World Evangelical Alliance has written a report on the escalation of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt. Hulsman quotes from the report and adds his own comments.
Samīr Marqus analyzes Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt since the rule of Muhammad ‘Alī and suggests three possibly scenarios for the future of the Egyptian state.


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