Displaying 1 - 10 of 13.
President Hosni Mubarak has issued a decision to the effect that January 7, Christmas in Egypt, is a national holiday for all Egyptians. The decision was highly praised and welcomed.
The Egyptian papers started a campaign in reply to the attacks of the American media, which had harshly criticized Egyptian policy and Egypt’s attitude towards the war against terrorism. Some independent, opposition and even official Egyptian papers expressed their opposition to the American...
The Middle East Media Research Institute produced a report about responses in the Egyptian media to the attacks in the USA giving the impression that the Egyptian government, opposition, and independent press all celebrated the terrorist attacks on the USA. The RNSAW commented on MEMRI’s report and...
MEMRI´s translations show the Arabic media becomes more polarized but MEMRI does not explain the background of this polarization nor compares this with the Hebrew media which is probably not less polarized
Ragab was shocked reading an article in the Washington Post attacking the court which sentenced Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim. Ragab called the writer ‘unfair.´ More upsetting was that the writer argued that the court ruling did not conform with the $2 billion which represents the annual US aid to...
Comment of al-Gomhuriya editor-in-chief Samir Ragab’s reporting about the court case of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim. Nirmeen Fawzy traced stories about a new apparition of the Holy Virgin in Giza, greater Cairo. A small group of dedicated faithful believe they are true and strongly promote the...
The author expressed the opinion that President Mubarak and Pope Shenouda did not discuss, in their recent meeting, the issue of the status of Copts in Egypt or that of sectarian strife but just discussed the general problems of the country.
The dangerous difference between the tabloids in Egypt and elsewhere is that in Egypt they have sneaked in uncontrolled by the officials, to a public unaware of the credibility of such papers. Where does freedom of the press end and where do its responsibilities begin? Shutting down newspapers by...
Michael Mounier, the president of the US Copts Association sent a letter to the Board Chairman of Al-Gomhuria telling him that what the paper mentioned in its article "They forged the Pope’s signature" was false and baseless. He wrote that Copts abroad do not intervene in the affairs of the church...
The Muslim people yesterday marked the mid-Sha’ban Night (Sha’ban being one of the 12 months of the Hijra calendar). However, some people believe that the mid-Sha’ban Night ceremony is bed’aa (a religious ceremony not practiced or recommended by Prophet Mohammed).


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