Displaying 1 - 10 of 13.
On April 25, 2013, Jihad Watch contributor Raymond Ibrahim (Ibrāhīm) published in Middle East Forum what he titled “Death to Churches Under Islam; A Study of the Coptic Church.”  His text is a collection of frequently returning claims without proper sourcing, falsely pretending statements of some...
Jamāl Badāwī refers to the importance of a book by Coptic historian Sawirus Ibn al- Muqaffac entitled, ‘Tārīkh alĀbā’ al-Batārikah’ [The History of Patriarchs]. The book presents a clear picture of the relationship between Copts and Muslims during the early Islamic state.
This article sheds light on one of the most important manuscripts that covers the history of Egypt from the first century AD until the modern era. The manuscript was recently reviewed and published after important annexes and references were added.
Biographical details about Professor Aziz Suryal Atiya, a distinguished scholar and author.
This article is a review of ‘Abd al- ‘Azīz Jamāl al-Dīn’s book, "The history of Egypt" which deals with the Christian revolutions in Egypt and the Crusaders.
A review of a book narrating the history of Egypt over the past 20 centuries.
When ‘Amr Bin al-‘Āss conquered Egypt, Islam did not only free land and religious consciousness from the Roman Byzantine colonization, but also freed the Egyptian Orthodox churches.
The Saint Mark Foundation for Historical Studies published a new edition of Yacoub Nakhla Rofela’s "History of the Coptic Nation." It tells the history of the Copts since Christianity entered Egypt up until modern times.
Egypt opened its doors to receive Jesus Christ, the Child that was born in Bethlehem and came to Egypt to escape from Herod the king. Blessing came everywhere He went. Once again we go around with the holy caravan the moved and crossed borders, climbed mountains, walked in deserts, and crossed...
In this article which is a continuation of the interview reported in Al-Liwaa’ Al-Islami last week Milad Hanna argues that Egypt has a unique cultural identity which is the reason for the good relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt since the entry of Islam into Egypt.


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