Displaying 101 - 110 of 204.
Ahmad Khālid sees that the reason behind backwardness in the Arab world, particularly in Egypt, is the rigidity and deficiency of religious discourse. He argues that Egypt nowadays suffers from the absence of authentic clergy.
The author refutes claims made by figures in the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group that Egyptian novelist Najīb Mahfūz has come from under the group’s cloak, arguing that Mahfūz’s relations with the Brotherhood have never been good as they claim.
The author reviews the book ‘Listening to Islam’ by The Revd. Dr. John Watson, in which he “brings to light the intimate prayerful relationship that the devout Catholic monk, Thomas Merton, had with the Pakistani Sufi mystic-scholar, Abdul Aziz.” Watson asserts “Islam deserves to be listened to.”
The author argues that the Muslim Brotherhood supreme guide’s disrespect for national affiliation is shared by all Muslim fundamentalists who believe that their nationality is Islam.
The author investigates in this series of articles the early beginnings of the Salafist ideology that depends on jihād as its principal activity and discusses the reverberations of this movement in several countries.
Talāl al-Ansārī, the second defendant in the so-called al-Fanīya al- ‘Askarīya [Armed Forces Technical College] case of the 1974 abortive coup, continues publishing his diary in episodes in Rose al-Yousuf magazine.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s demonstrations in support of the independence of the Egyptian judiciary have posed many questions over the group’s respect for the current “positive laws,” Mustafa Bayyoumī writes.
The danger of Khayrat al- Shātir, the most powerful decision-maker of the Muslim Brotherhood, lies not only in his wealth and his total control over the group’s money, but also in his belongingto a group called "the extremist Qutbīyun" or the followers of the extremist thinker Sayyid Qutb.
A few days ago, news broke that the Egyptian Ministry of Interior had arrested a 22-member terrorist cell, calling itself al-Tā’ifa al-Mansoura [The Victorious Sect], on charges of planning terrorist attacks against a number of tourist sites, gas pipelines on the Greater Cairo ring road, and...
Discussion of a recent seminar on “Terrorism: the phenomenon and confrontation,” organised by the Forum for cultural dialogue, an affiliate of the Coptic Evangelical Association (CEA) [Ëditor AWR, the name CEA is wrong, this should be CEOSS, Coptic Evangelical Organization of Social Services] in...


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