Displaying 131 - 140 of 204.
The Jihād organization considers that governments which do not apply sharica [Islamic law] must be attacked in order to force them to do so.
Throughout the past century, there has been a tug-of-war over the issue of the ridda.
Zaynab Muntasir believes that though terrorism is a global phenomenon there are some voices in the West who want to associate it with Islam and Muslims. Intellectual, Husayn Ahmad Amīn believes that there is a conspiracy against Islam, and fears that Islam will not reach the 22nd century.
Terrorists hold the entrenched dogma that whoever disagrees with their opinions threatens their own existence. Consequently, Dr. Murād Wahba argues that we should reconsider the relationship between absolute truth and terrorism.
Most commentators argue that Islamic terrorism is a fanatical perversion of Islam, which deviates from its true teachings. They call for a Western-style modernization of the Muslim world, hoping thereby that radical Islam will be tamed.
The recent terrorist attacks in Sharm al-Sheikh executed by the Abdullah Azzam Brigades which claimed 85 lives and left more than 200 injured are nothing but the last in a long line of terrorist events in Egypt and the entire world.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s practical steps are sure a far cry from their declared theoretical ideas. One may wonder why they have been in hibernation all these years as to stage demonstrations calling for political reform.
The onset of the new wave of Islamist terror was brought about by Sayyid Qutb, who had that rare opportunity during his time in the prison hospital for several years to review his book Fī Zilāl al-Qur’ān [In the shades of the Qur’ān].
The Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Mahdī ‘ā kif, dwelt on superstitious matters in his weekly message to the outlawed group members in a bid to convince them that "heaven would make its retaliation for the attempts to detain the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood."
The article tackles more than one point related to the Islamic groups. It comments on the book of Ayman Al-Zawahri “Knights Under the Flag of the Prophet” and on Montasser Al-Zayyat´s “Al-Zawahri as I knew him.” It tries to answer the question of why Bin Laden gained great popularity among...


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