Displaying 141 - 150 of 204.
Montasser Al-Zayyat said that the the real aim of his book “Al-Zawahri as I knew him” is to shed light on how the Gama´at Al-Islamiya started to reconsider its mechanisms. Al-Zayyat tackles the character of Ayman Al-Zawahri from many angles. He first speaks about his childhood and how he was...
The author provides a commentary on the Muslim Brotherhood, criticizing its actions and beliefs, and warning that it is gaining substantial ground toward becoming the political leaders of perhaps multiple Arab nations.
The author speaks about the spiritual leaders of terrorism who developed terrorism-inspiring thoughts waiting others to promote and put them s into practices. These leaders are Hasan al-Bannā, Sayyid Qutb, and ‘Abd al-Allāh ‘Azzām.
The article gives an account and a brief history of the most influential contemporary figures of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, particularly those in the Irshād [Guidance] Office.
The authors harshly criticize the Muslim Brotherhood’s attitudes towards women and Copts.
The author points out that Sayyid Qutb picked up his ideology while in the West and adds that the clash between the U.S. and religious ideology erupted only when the wing led by Bin Lādin revolted and went astray.
The Brotherhood participation in the democratic process, if genuine, constitutes a qualitative leap that entails the renunciation of violence, refraining from the takfīr [to rule that someone is infidel] ideology and accepting peaceful political activities as a means to reach power.
Discussions have been taking place between the Muslim Brotherhood and Coptic groups. Some issues have been controversial, like finance and support for the Brotherhood from abroad, but there has been a proposal that the Brotherhood and Copts make a unified list for the local elections.
A review of a book by author Andreas Baumann, showing that being an advocate of Christian missionary work also can result in a critical self-reflection.
Qutb’s ideology was the driving force for many Islamic groups, some of whom, such as al-Takfīr Wa al-Hijra, have gone to extremes.


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