Displaying 201 - 204 of 204.
An explanation of the meaning of verse 154 of Surah 2, which may be rendered in translation as follows: "Do not say that those who are killed in the cause of God are dead; for they are alive, but you are not aware of it."
Also Dr. al-Qimni addresses issues of double standards. For example one of the current Sheikhs of extremism thinks that it is the Muslim’s duty to declare war against Bulgaria and Spain since they were once Islamic territories. But territories that were once Christian are not discussed. Several...
In the series of Islamic discussions on the Internet, also the bombing of the American Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es-Salaam is discussed. The paper cites the words of people in favor of the bombing as well as others who strongly denounce it.
An investigation by the state security revealed that the "New Qotbioun" organization has drawn up a terrorist plan to assassinate a number of political leaders, including Pope Shenouda and the Sheikh of the Azhar.


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