Displaying 21 - 30 of 70.
Councilor Labīb Halīm Labīb proposes a draft law to amend the law of the Coptic Orthodox Church’s patriarch. The following lines highlight Labīb’s suggested law.
While clergymen of the Coptic Orthodox Church reject Coptic nominations in the local council elections on the lists of the Muslim Brotherhood, a leader from the group asserts that accepting Coptic nominees on the Brotherhood’s lists is a sign of the group’s democratic nature and a reflection of its...
The author hails Shaykh Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī as a leading moderate Muslim scholar. He supports his argument by listing the shaykh’s stances on different issues.
Sharīf al-Dawākhilī reports on a human rights group’s criticism of the government for honoring Muslim mothers during the annual celebration of choosing the ideal mother without choosing a single Christian one.
Jamāl As‘ad thinks that Copts’ isolation from public life started with the mandates of Anwar al-Sādāt and Pope Shenouda III. He also believes that article two of the Egyptian Constitution does not contradict citizenship rights.
The article provides information about printing and distributing the Bible in Egypt. The author provides statistics and has interviewed people involved in the issue.
The Supreme Administrative Court in Egypt issued a controversial ruling that guarantees Christian divorcees the right to a second marriage. The Coptic Orthodox Church rejects the ruling and declares that there is no authority on Earth that can oblige the church to go against their conscience....
Archpriest ‘Abd al-Masīh Basīt Abū al-Khayr responds to an article published in al-Dustūr on February 6, 2008 by Sharīf al-Dawākhilī.
The article contains a number of inquiries addressed to Pope Shenouda III during his weekly lecture at the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral.
The Alexandria Forensic Medical Authority, Department of Forgery Research, has stated that Andrew and Mario’s father’s signature on a document that shows that he decided not to convert to Islam is genuine. His wife hopes that she might now to be able to receive a verdict on the custody of their...


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