Displaying 11 - 20 of 22.
Sohag Court of Felonies decided to postpone to January 2nd the hearing of the case of the murder of two young Copts in the village of Al-Koshh, Dar El-Salaam after another attorney resigned due to his illness. The accused remained in custody. The incidents the case relates to took place on August...
Ever since the case first broke the news last fall, the response from the government has been uniform: No one was tortured at Al Koshh. So it wasn’t much of a surprise when, after a brief investigation that didn’t even involve the questioning of witnesses, prosecutors declined to bring charges...
The Prosecutor-General Raga’a Al-Arabi has announced the decision to prosecute regarding the events which took place in Al-Koshh village in Sohag. The three accused are to be transferred to the criminal court.
The author went himself to el-Koshh to investigate the claims of the Sunday Telegraph. He spoke to members of the Boctor family, relatives of Karim Tamer Suleiman Arsal who was murdered on August 14 and the family of the arrested witnesses.
This article discusses the several faxes Lord David Alton of Liverpool wrote to Sohag’s governor Ahmad Abd Al-Aziz Bakr concerning the issue of al-Koshh.
Counselor Osama Al-Rashidi, general lawyer of Suhag’s Prosecution Offices, decided to transfer Shaiboub William Arslan, the suspect in Al-Koshh crime, to the Criminal Court. The prosecution accused Shaiboub of murdering Samir Owaida Hakim and Karim Tamer Arslan on August 14.
The ’Persecution Show’ in Al-Kushh is a new series in the many series being played against Egypt by its enemies for what came of events last August 15 in Al-Kushh did not deserve more than a 10-sentence news item in a local newspaper in its accident pages, even if this paper were a ’yellow journal...
Bishop Wissa of Sohag and two of his priests were arrested during the first week of October and charged with damaging relations between Copts and Muslims in a story that has more to do with Egyptian police brutality than sectarian tensions.
A district police chief investigates a double murder in an Upper Egyptian village. Fear for Christian-Muslim violence led to the arrest of lots of Christians.
Drs. Hulsman writes a special report about his investigation of al-Kushḥ incidents in August, where some Christians where killed.t 1,000 Christians in the small town of al-Kushḥ," police behavior and mistakes in foreign reports about al-Kushḥ. The report contains an evaluation explaining how the...


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