Displaying 3071 - 3080 of 3463.
In his book "I Confess," Gamal Asa’ad tells the story of his sad experience with the Tagammu party, especially its leaders, their unexplained position toward him, and their constant actions to contradict their beliefs. He believes that the Church is partially responsible for sectarian strife in...
Pope Shenouda exalted the climate of freedom and democracy; all Egyptians live in, in the shade of the leadership of President Mubarak. He said that the idea that Jews are God’s chosen people is wrong. He criticized the Vatican for discharging Jews from wronging Jesus Christ and shedding his blood.
The introduction of the Coptic researcher Hani Labib’s "Religious protection crisis.. Religion and the state in Egypt" is written by Prof. Mohammed Selim Al-Awa, an Islamic thinker. Labib believes that the most dangerous tool of globalization is religion. Religion is the most explosive and...
President Mubarak ordered the rebuilding of the services building of the church of Shoubra Al-Kheima, which was destroyed by the local authority, who depended on the claim that no permission had been given to built it. Pope Shenouda sent the President a telegram in which he thanked him for his...
Pope Shenouda agreed with the General Secretary of the Middle East Council of Churches, to delay the visit of the council to Iraq, in order to prepare for it and coordinate with the Iraqi church regarding the agenda of the visit.
The author of the articles on the story of the former monk said his articles were based on original interviews with the former monk and a book by him called "Confessions of an Egyptian monk." He added that the aim of publishing such a story was to find the truth, as the paper embraces neither the...
The Monastery of Saint Macarius explains the interviews with the former monk Fa’iq Boulos in Sout al-Umma fall in the category of defamation. The Monastery also wrote they were not happy the RNSAW translated these articles into English and thus made them accessible to a much larger public.
Bishop Marcos reported that President Mubarak granted a permit to build a church in Shoubra Al-Kheima. This decision came after the US Copts Association organized an international protest against the demolition of a building belonging to the Coptic Orthodox Church. It is practice of Coptic Orthodox...
Public opinion’s reaction towards the ruling given in Al-Kosheh action was inconsistent. Those who have a legal background understood the recitals and the reasons of the sentences, but the public, who have no legal background, were deeply shocked by them. The sentences passed have two aspects; the...
The verdict given in the action of Al-Kosheh has caused a strong line of division between Egypt’s Muslims and Christians. Most Muslims accept the impartiality of the court while many Christians, inside and outside Egypt, expressed their anger in articles, letters and interviews about the verdict....


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