Displaying 3261 - 3270 of 3463.
Dr. George Habib [Bebawi] wrote an article in El-Arabi newspaper entitled "A retrospective reading of history", in its issue No. 467 on 19/9/1999. I was not surprised by his attack on the Church and its leaderships because this is what he always did. Rather, I was surprised by the mistakes on what...
After reading the article of Hamouda concerning the barring of prayers over the body of father Ibrahim Abdel Sayyed the author wants to clarify some internal matters concerning the rules and traditions of the Coptic Orthodox church.
The article of Adel Hamouda in the last issue echoed widely in the circles of our brothers the Copts. It caused wide discussions between Moslems and Copts alike.
For years, clerical and lay members of the Coptic Orthodox Church have criticized the authoritarian ways of Pope Shenouda III. The standard complaints, that he keeps church finances too close to his chest, refuses debate on issues like divorce, and is too quick to throw his opponents out of the...
Love is the magic word Christianity is founded on, giving way to springs of mercy, gentleness and wonder to gush out. However, love, the backbone of Christianity, has been severely hit but not in a back-breaking way, by Pope Shenouda when he decided not to pray over the body of the priest Ibrahim...
Bishop Bishoi is the head of the church court and he is the secretary of the Holy Synod. He answered all questions which have been raised because of the story of the body of father Abdel Sayed and why it was forbidden to pray over the body of father Abdel Sayed.
For how long will Americans try to blackmail Islamic governments and people and interfere in an unacceptable way in local affairs asks the author.
Some Coptic leaders have asked that the church excommunication law be brought up before the Holy Council because Pope Shenouda, head of this council, had suspended 11 priests and forbidden prayers over the bodies of several important deceased.
Priest Ibrahim Abdel Sayyed died of a heart attack. He got the rest for which he longed, but the case that was raised after his death is not closed yet. Christians expected that Pope Shenouda would permit prayers over the body, but the opposite occurred. Pope Shenouda called especially from the...
The wife of Father Ibrahim Abdel Sayyed and all the family of the priest are asking: Is it possible to ask Pope Shenouda to forgive this family which has no enmity towards the church, and allow to hold the fortieth-day prayer which the members of the family will participate in, in order to forget...


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