Displaying 11 - 18 of 18.
This article comments on the incident of the Grand Imām Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī, shaykh of the Azhar, shaking hands with the Israeli President Shimon Peres during the Dialogue Conference held in New York.
Hulsman flags up articles 5-8 in this issue that concern sūrah 2:256 of the Qur’ān and whether it is abrogated or not. He also draws the reader’s attention to a number of article that focus on issues that threaten the social peace of society
The author of the article, Zayn al- ‘Ābidīn al-Rikābī, believes that the Sunnī- Shī‘ah sectarian conflict in Iraq is playing into the hands of the United States, which, he says, is now trying to divide the Middle East along ethnic lines. Explaining the significant doctrinal disagreement between...
Asharq al-Awsat revealed that the American consul visited Ibrahim in the prison’s hospital and relieved his worry. He promised Ibrahim that the American embassy would take care of his case in his capacity as an American citizen. al-Musawwar and al-Ah...
The author links Israeli practices and the massacres in Lebanon and other Arab countries to texts of the Torah and urges Arabs to take a strong diplomatic stance and protest the killings and havoc in a neighboring Arab country.
The article is a comment on the American study: “The Psychological Aspects of Islamic Terrorism.” The author believes that the study contains wrong claims about education in Egypt.
Nasr presents Shenouda’s opinions on various Jewish-Christian and Israeli-Arab issues. Shenouda voiced these opinions while meeting with journalistic writer Sana’ Al-Said. Rather than trying to embellish his words, Shenouda presented his views in a series of abrupt statements, which Al-Said then...
"... In the weekly sermon in Saint Peter’s Square, the Pope, made apologies for the way the church treated the scientist Galileo who said the earth revolves around the sun. The Pope also spoke about the pain the Crusaders caused for the people in the East. This will also be discussed in the meeting...


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