Displaying 11 - 15 of 15.
After the storm that the new family law [that is, the Personal Status Law] has created for the Muslims in the sessions of the People’s Assembly and its ratification, and with the number of sessions held by the assembly and the numerous interventions from different trends, many have neglected a...
For three years now, the midnight mass has been broadcasting of on TV. All Christians, especially in small villages, who are able for the first time to see their pope praying the mass on TV, appreciate such a thing.
A list of various articles published in Egyptian newspapers on the occasion of the Easter celebrations.
For the first time since the days of Nasser the Christmas prayer was broadcasted life. In the past decades, however, the Christmas celebration in the Coptic Cathedral was broadcasted the day after.
An article about the role of Copts in the Wafd Party which led the struggle for independence from the British.


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