Displaying 11 - 20 of 65.
The article provides a listing of articles on two controversial Fatwás issued by the Muftī of Egypt and a professor at the Azhar University. The first fatwá says that the prophet’s urine used to be given to his companions for blessings. The second one urges working women to breastfeed their male co...
Rose al-Yūsuf magazine publishes a public survey on the role of religion in society.
The Azhar officials have admitted the existence of copies of the Azhar Mushaf in Sudan that contain typographical mistakes
Subhī Mijāhid writes about the young Islamic preacher, Mustafá Husnī, and the similarities between him and ‘Amr Khālid.
The fact that Afro-Americans are adopting Islām proves that Islām is a moderate religion that respects humanity.
Subḥī Mijāhid reports on the Azhar University’s reaction toward the recent study that accuses Rose al-Yūsuf of Takfīr.
The articles review the mistakes in reciting the Qur’ān by ‘Amr Khālid and the reaction of the Islamic Research Academy to prevent his cassettes from being sold until he corrects these mistakes.
A member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs blames Western education and Muslims for the hostility between Islām and the West.
The Islamic Research Academy adviced to confiscate two books by Muslims authors about Jesus Christ, in addition to a script about the life of the Prophet Muhammad.
The authors write about the demonstrations held by Muslim Brotherhood students in relation to student union elections at ‘Aīn Shams, Hilwān, and Assiut universities.


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