Displaying 1 - 10 of 12.
The author criticizes Muslim extremists who embarrass people by refusing to shake their hands because of their belief that shaking hands with the opposite sex is religiously prohibited.
The author says that the well-known dā‘iyah cAmr Khālid seems to have become a money machine for religious TV channel owners, which could affect the da‘wah in a negative way.
The author comments on a report by Forbes magazine on the wealth of Islamic dā‘iyahs,calling on them to promote ’the priority-based fiqh’ that seeks to produce working people other than only worshipers.
The activation of article 1 of the Constitution which stipulates citizenship would undoubtedly affect the other articles of the Constitution and laws which contravene article 1.
97% of Egyptian women are circumcised. The Fatwá of the Egyptian Muftī prohibiting female circumcision, the official rejecting stance of legislative institutions in the country, and the highlighted dangers of the operation seem to have little influence on the conservative traditional opinions of...
The article provides a listing of articles on two controversial Fatwás issued by the Muftī of Egypt and a professor at the Azhar University. The first fatwá says that the prophet’s urine used to be given to his companions for blessings. The second one urges working women to breastfeed their male co...
Sulaymān Jawdah denounces the exclusion of Copts from trade of the Faysal Islamic Bank, and warns of the dangerous impacts of isolating Copts from public life in Egypt. He mentions that the standard system of Faysal Islamic Bank violates the Egyptian Constitution and calls for an urgent...
Many conferences about terrorism and the distorted image of Arabs and Muslims in the Western media were held last week. The International Council for Mission and Aid held an inter-religious dialogue conference in the Azhar. The Islamic Council for inter-civilization dialogue and the Islamic...
One of the four books published recently by the Gama´at Al-Islamiya is titled “The Illegality of Extremism in Religion and of Charging Muslims With Kufr [unbelief].” In it, the leaders of the Gama´at consider charging Muslims with kufr an illegal act. They cited many Qur´anic verses and hadiths to...
[Hisba is a term referring to the right of a Muslim to defend public morality and suing on behalf of religion.] The article comments on one of the four books published recently by the Gama´at Al-Islamiya. The book discusses the concept of hisba. The leaders of the Gama´at admitted that hisba was...


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