Displaying 11 - 14 of 14.
One third of the books in the library of the monastery of Dominicans is about the Arabic and Islamic world. The supervisor of the library, pointed out that the interest in Islamic affairs dates back to the 1940s. The children of the Dominican church believe that everything has some truth in it...
Dr. Yohanna Qolta, the Deputy Patriarch of the Catholic Copts, spoke about his memories about the month of Ramadan and about the impact of Islam on his writings. He pointed out the reasons behind the appearance of the term "emigrant Copts" and the attitude of his church towards them. He also spoke...
On the Internet Sheikh Abd El-Hamed Kishk becomes an aggressive star again. He attacks politicians, Arabic and foreign regimes, artists, sport and football players.
Brigadier-General Hamdi El-Batran will probably lose his job because of a novel he published that was based on his experience in the force.


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